Well of Souls is mixed and mastered!! A few more listens to iron out a kink or two, but the bulk of the work is done and the tracks are oh-so-close to being ready for pressing! Wahoo!!
With all of the excitement of getting into Twitter and discovering that I really enjoy social media, micro-blogging, and "viral" marketing.. I was kicking around some ideas with Nick and it has been decided that Sliptide.com is going to see a complete overhaul. Notable changes include moving the website to the WordPress platform, complete with category management, a TON more content (music, movies, and pictures), and special content for my fans (project clips, studio sessions, dj sets).
A budget is being worked out for song and album promotions through iLike, MySpace, and the Seattle community. I'm excited!
I am gearing up, with the help of my friends, for an all out audio assault!
Oh and as a side note, I took my "I'm Listening" blog and moved it under the SNN umbrella. It is now a featured blog at
I'm still working on the theme a bit, but it is certainly in a presentable state ;)