Monday, December 31, 2007

New Music & New Website for the New Year!!!

Well, if you are reading this you either have me on RSS feeds, have my blog bookmarked, or (and more importantly) you have found the "blog" link on the new website!!

I am no longer pointing the domain to this blog. I have finally put together a very simple website to present my music. The front page will contain recent songs and uploads to the internet. I also put together a comprehensive discography section, which includes all of my works (even though the older stuff is very garish and unpolished) without any shame ;)

Also, in an effort to ring in the new year with a bang, I have uploaded the recent few tracks I had completed in the fall season.

"On Approach" is a song that I wanted to make for awhile, melding the droning and building elements of late-night techno sessions with some more ambient/floating 'structures'. It came out well, and paired with the next song makes for a decent treat for any late night adventures.

"Striking the Ocean" was actually started before the previous, but wrapped up production after I had transformed the song into a follow up. The two have quite literal and up-front ideas in feeling and thoughts that the names will provoke, and I hope that the tones, forms, sounds, and feelings of the music put forth a multitude of things to the listener.

The other two songs posted are:

"Everything That We Love": An 'indie electronic' song of sorts. I wanted to get into making something with a more organic feel to it, yet retain a lot of the properties of my chillout and downtempo beats. This was the first song that came to light and I have enjoyed the simplicity quite a bit.

"Spying", which as the name suggests, is a somewhat somber and curious song. Using more of the ambient textures as underlying melody and trying to keep a more organic feel again, this song is a bit of my own internal reflection poured out into audio format.

I hope everyone enjoys the new tracks, the new website, and offers up any feedback. As always, word of mouth is a powerful thing, so tell your friends and family about any music of mine that you enjoy! I'm open to questions via the comments on this blog, facebook, ilike, garageband, or you can head over to the new Google Groups Sliptide Fan Club.

As far as my other happenings go: Applied & Computational (Jeff) and myself got together for some awesome jamming last Saturday. We have started a great song that we will hopefully be able to get out the door by the end of January. We are in need of some new equipment to incorporate some live instrumentation, but that should materialize hopefully soon.

Happy New Year everyone!
