Wednesday, February 18, 2009

The Silver Standard EP

I already made the announcement on Twitter, MySpace, iLike, Facebook, etc. that Jeff and I have released our first EP as Silver Standard.

"The Silver Standard EP" is now up for listening on You can also get a hardcopy by contacting either Jeff or myself via numerous online resources. Suggested "donation" is $5, but as we've said before we aren't interested in making money per-se, so much as we are interested in being able to continue to make music our friends, family, and fans want to hear!

We are already back in the 'studio' working on new materials almost weekly now and plan on having another EP or maybe even enough materials for an LP this year!  Also expect some YouTube action as we work towards our performing our music to a live audience!

Monday, February 2, 2009

Out sick, but a great weekend.

I was sick about a week and a half ago, and after feeling pretty solid for a few days I began to come down with a cough again and was feeling icky on Friday. Saturday was the same deal. After an afternoon with some friends at the Tap House in Bellevue, we were invited last minute to go see MxPx at El Corazon in Seattle. I decided we should go, and I was not disappointed in the slightest.

The show was freaking awesome. We saw Amber Pacific play after spending 2 opening bands in the bar (which is in the back in its own room). They put on a solid pop punk show and threw down a ton of energy into the crowd. When MxPx got on stage it was wicked hot in the venue but well worth seeing them play some new tracks from their latest album (Secrete Weapon) and some classics from Life In General.

Back to the 'sickness', Sunday I was doing alright but my coughing was pretty bad. I didn't sleep well overnight and today I had to call in sick to work. I've been a bump on a log all day sleeping here and there, trying to get rid of whatever it is that I caught. Amy is sick, too, with sinus garbage and lots of stuffiness. I hope tomorrow goes much better.

At least we had an awesome weekend of music, outings, and great food. I will post more in detail and provide links when I'm feeling better. Time to lie back down.. ugh.