Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Trimming the Fat

Way back in the day (not really, 2001 to be honest) I wanted to start an online journal. I happened to stumble upon, and was excited by the idea of having a free online space where I could write and easily maintain my posts..

Sure enough, fast forward through the end of that senior year of high school, my 4.5 year stint at the University of Washington, and zoom on up to present day where I am a full time Systems Analyst for a major service industry (read: cellular provider) near Seattle-- I look back to see that some of the people I turned on to blogging still dabble in it, but the majority have dropped it in favor of less-sophisticated juggernaut pop-tart communities like MySpace and Facebook (dear God; please wipe Facebook from the planet). Sure, I have a MySpace account I use for personal gain and following of my music (which I under-utilize right now), but it still sucks. =)

Two to three years before my time, it seemed, as nobody was blogging around me until we were somewhat deep into college. It's all good though.

I find myself staring at the now Google owned Blogger editing interface which is miles beyond the old Blogger in functionality, quality, and.. wow-factor.

I have purged my entire history of posts from 2001 through 2005, and it seems the database that sat on holding my WordPress posts was purged when our server crashed-- so my entire catalog has been nuked to make way for a new book of topics, thoughts, projects, hobbies, discussions, stories, blabbing... Reverting to and using the mobile tools provided ensures I have accessibility to work on my personal space wherever I am. I'm leaving my main website ( to be music-centric, and everything else that is me-centric can be found here and in other portions of Google's awesome-ness.

^_^ Enjoy.

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