Monday, January 21, 2008

7 AM on Monday Morning - A Solid Way to Start the Week

I woke up this morning.. really early this morning if you count when the nearly-full moon outside poured through the window and began to feed my soul with its gentle light... and found myself ready for the week.

It has been quite awhile that I have picked myself up out of bed and been ready for the week. Maybe it's because the gears have been turning a lot more for music, or maybe it was because I have been getting a bit more sleep at night, or maybe it's the significantly less stressful position I now hold at work.

It's 7:39. I have been at work for 39 minutes, and enjoying it.. ^_^

I don't live for my day job. It pays well, I enjoy doing what I do, and I definitely love learning all of the cool stuff I get to learn (all falling under the category of geek habits and nerdery). I most certainly can drive this into a lifetime career with plenty of glory and healthy development/investment.

Let me say again that I don't live for my day job. My passions have always lied with the "small"-er things in life.

I live for spending time with loved ones and those who are close to me (I know.. I have a funny way of showing that given in the past year I haven't really done that.. It will change.)

I live for the spring through autumn hiking season.

I live for bike rides.. I live for driving my truck to the coast with some friends.. I live for making music.. making music with my friends..

I live to enjoy my life doing the things that I absolutely love to do. Of course there is balance with doing the things that I only 'sorta' enjoy, and the things that are necessary but I do not enjoy at all (who hates laundry, or mowing wet grass? raise your hands!).

That's the key though.. the balance. It has always been about balance for me.. and I can't believe that so long ago I lost majority of my balance and sight (in-, far- and hind-). I'm fucking stoked for the rest of the year, that's for certain.

/end rambling.

I have some Trip-Hop songs in the works, along with a few more snippets of everything from house to breaks that may see the light of day if I take them up into full production.

A road map for equipment is being worked on. With the economy going to shit I'm trying to decide if/when to pick up majority of the things I need to take my music to a live audience.. it may require a small personal loan ^_^.

I hope everyone has had a great January so far. Can you believe it's already been 21 days of 2008?!

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