Wednesday, July 18, 2007


177 / 8 = ?

With the exception of college physics courses, math has never irritated me so much as it does in that simple division problem above. The answer is 22.125. The units of measurement is (hours) / (hours/work day), which yields work days. I have 22.125 work days accrued in my Paid Time Off bucket. Wow!

Sure, I see that as a positive in most respects but after I popped open my calendar to mentally track the weeks in which I am neither primary or secondary on-call only to be met with the reminder that we are currently so short staffed that I only have 1 free week out of every three... and that's not alright with me.

My patience grows thin. I have already started to filter out work from my personal life and am leaving work at work unless I am on call. It's going to really piss off some people around here, but I am not a robot corporate whore like majority of the management here.


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