Tuesday, July 1, 2008

One Tank of Gas for a Whole Month

I was eating lunch today and surfing around on news websites, and Komo4 happened to have an interesting segment on one of their producers who had decided to try and only use 1 tank of gas for an entire month.

You can watch the video right here.

It is a great idea and I know that there are plenty of people capable of doing what she did, however, they kinda gloss over the fact that she used public transportation (cabs, busses) and at one point was using a boat to go scuba diving.

I won't be a complete anti-anti and say that her efforts aren't awesome: The bottom line is her personal transportation was that of bicycles, or other methods that increase the "people per vehicle" ratio.

She saved quite a bit of cash, is a little more in shape (biking everywhere, especially downtown Seattle, isn't exactly easy ;P ), and it probably gives her a positive spin on her ego and personal well being.

It certainly makes me think about my biking to work options and using buses a lot more. I love my Toyota Tacoma and VW Jetta a great deal.. but the money spent on gas alone is enough to sway my habits.

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