Friday, June 29, 2007

Burning that Midnight Oil

Perhaps I should refer to it as 'all night' oil.. as it seems that whenever we have one of these after hours deployments it happens to go ALL FREAKING NIGHT!!!!!

Right now I'm waiting on the vendor to respond with some code that will fix a situation that could totally knock this deployment out of the park. While the issue at hand is not something that would cause us to rollback, it's rather annoying that we couldn't slam this one down and be home by 1AM or earlier.

Tomorrow I had plans to drop Amy off at her volunteer position at SAM, then work from Starbucks until about 1:30 PM in the afternoon. Even if I get home really late I might do it anyway because it sounds like a lot of fun and I want to spend some time downtown with her after she's done volunteering. I don't really even care what we do.. just being downtown with her sounds like a lot of fun =D

Anywho.. work is work... and I've definitely gained anew perspective on things in relation to my job, my career, and my placement in the working world. I have new goals to work towards, and it will be very interesting to see how things progress over the next while.

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