Thursday, March 13, 2008

Ew.. Head Cold!

I managed to get sick. Today I was wiped out but I went to work anyway... against my usual school of thought. Oh well.. I came home early, crashed, and had a relaxing evening at home.

I fixed my website. I'm not sure where I'm headed with it but there will be some changes in the future to better integrate my music with the site, as well as other aspects of my life (my love of point-and-shoot photography, volunteering, projects, and what limited views I can give about my IT lifestyle and job).

I also uploaded a few photos to my Flickr account. I was a Picasa fan early on, and honestly the Picasa software blows away Flickr, except for the fact that the Picasa online stuff just isn't as big of a deal as Flickr is right now. I don't mind trying to use Flickr, and I think it will be a good exercise for me as I also want to integrate it into my website and a few interesting web projects. You can find my stuff [right here]

It's time for bed. I'm not sure if I will be going to work tomorrow or not. It all depends on how I feel in the morning! I had planned a small outing after work with some peeps down in Factoria but that may be cancelled due to my sickness and bad timing for a lot of people that won't show (who would otherwise be there).


Sliptide (Sean Armstrong) said...

SO I removed my content from Flickr.. I have to play with sizes so I'm not spamming the net with 500kb images ;P

Sliptide (Sean Armstrong) said...

Alrighty.. added stuff back.. i may change it up.. I know I have a ton of random things to post.. and I can't quite get over the fact that I loved the Picasa software so much. We'll see how this works out. ^_^